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Get Out Get Love (GOGL)
Welcome to the Get Out Get Love (GOGL) programme
Welcome... what to expect.
Why is GOGL for me?
Why should I trust GOGL?
What is GOGL?
Pilot Message
The need to journal
What to expect on the journey
How to use the programme
Staying away
Situation Specific Message (Recently left)
ACT I Get Understanding
This is not an alternative to therapy
Introducing ACT I
Self-care on the journey
Introducing Self-Compassion
ACT I.1 Waking up to abuse
Waking from a dream
My story
The effect of waking up
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion meditation
How could we not see it?
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - appreciation journalling
Why we can't see it
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - acts of self kindness
Pause & process
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - inviting a compassionate response
Journal Reflection Prompts
Loving kindness meditation
Take what you need
ACT I.2 Hooked on abuse
Your thoughts on ACT I.1
Hooked on abuse
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion meditation towards our own suffering
Love at first sight
Love at first sight (part II)
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - appreciation journalling
An emotional vulnerability
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - inviting a compassionate response
The addictive cycle
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - acts of self kindness
A hard pill to swallow
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - letter writing
Pause & process
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-Compassion Meditation - Body Scan Grounding
ACT I.3 A love story we should all know
Your thoughts on ACT I.2
Misdirected love
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - inviting a compassionate response
A love story retold
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-Compassion Meditation - Mindful Observing
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - appreciation journalling
Introducing the FOGS
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - acts of self kindness
The FOGS that blind us
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-Compassion Meditation - Soothing Breathing
Pause & process
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - letter writing
ACT I.4 How to recognise abuse
Your thoughts on ACT I.3
How to recognise abuse
Abusive behaviours
Journal Reflection Prompts
Weighing up the decision to leave
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-Compassion Meditation - Accepting Our Complex Self
Seeing abusers as adults
Self-compassion Exercise - appreciation journalling
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - acts of self kindness
Noticing abuse
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - inviting a compassionate response
Normal or abusive?
Journal Reflection Prompts
Pause & process
Self-compassion Exercise - letter writing
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-Compassion Meditation - Our calming place (two versions)
Journal Reflection Prompts
ACT I.5 How abuse shapes our reality
Your thoughts on ACT I.4
How abuse shapes our reality
Blind love
Self-Compassion Meditation - Our calming place (sea waves version) - repeated.
Our defences can sabotage us
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - appreciation journalling
Cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance in abusive relationships
Journal Reflection Prompts
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - acts of self kindness
Waking up for a moment
Journal Reflection Prompts
Pause & process
Self-compassion Exercise - inviting a compassionate response
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-compassion Exercise - letter writing
ACT I.6 How love should not feel
Your thoughts on ACT I.5
How love should not feel
Questions that we need to ask ourselves
Reflecting on Questions
Self-Compassion Meditation - Accepting Our Complex Self
Journal Reflection Prompts
Deciding to go
Journal Reflection Prompts
Self-Compassion Meditation - Free and Loving Self
Your thoughts on ACT I.6
Self-compassion Exercise - letter writing
ACT II Get out (pilot)
Introducing ACT II
Building Self-Compassion
Building and maintaining self-compassion (prompt)
ACT II. 7 The act of leaving
Building and maintaining self-compassion (prompt)
The ACT of leaving
Learned helplessness
Journal Reflection Prompts
The door is open
When leaving is a REAL risk
Journal Reflection Prompts
Trust we are survivors
Journal Reflection Prompts
Pause & process
Journal Reflection Prompts
Acknowledging different situations
Emergency planning information
ACT II.8 Staying away
Your thoughts on ACT II.7
Building and maintaining self-compassion (prompt)
Staying away
The inner storm
Journal Reflection Prompts
Going cold turkey
Journal Reflection Prompts
Get a buddy
Journal Reflection Prompts
Pause & process
Your thoughts on ACT II.8
Thank you (pilot)
ACT II. 9 The ACT of processing our story
Building and maintaining self-compassion (prompt)
The ACT of processing our story
Echoes from the past
Journal Reflection Prompts
More than just echoes
Journal Reflection Prompts
Pause & process
Inviting a story not an experience
Journal Reflection Prompts
Exercise - Grounding yourself when you feel numb or confused.
ACT II.10 The ACT of befriending emotions
Your thoughts on ACT II.9
Building and maintaining self-compassion (prompt)
Coping systems
Journal Reflection Prompts
Our old friends
Journal Reflection Prompts
Pause & process
Journal Reflection Prompts
ACT II.11 The ACT of soothing fear
Your thoughts on ACT II.10
Building and maintaining self-compassion (prompt)
Introducing the ACT of soothing fear
Updating our story of fear
Journal Reflection Prompts
Our old friend fear
Noticing our old friend fear
Journal Reflection Prompts
Learning to put fear in the passenger seat
Journal Reflection Prompts
How to self soothe
Pause & process
Journal Reflection Prompts
ACT II.12 The ACT of soothing obligation
Your thoughts on ACT II.11
Introducing the ACT of soothing obligation
Building and maintaining self-compassion (prompt)
Recognising the story of obligation
Reframing obligation as an old friend
Journal Reflection Prompts
Educating our old friend obligation
Soothing obligation
Journal Reflection Prompts
Pause & process
Journal Reflection Prompts
ACT II.13 The ACT of soothing guilt and shame
Your thoughts on ACT II.12
Building and maintaining self-compassion (prompt)
Introducing the ACT of soothing guilt and shame
The story of guilt and shame
Journal Reflection Prompts
Soothing the guilt of leaving
Journal Reflection Prompts
Shame thrown at us
Journal Reflection Prompts
Soothing shame and guilt with acceptance
Journal Reflection Prompts
Soothing shame and guilt with forgiveness
Journal Reflection Prompts
Soothing shame and guilt with self-compassion
Journal Reflection Prompts
Key Exercise - Do Not Skip & Practice Repeatedly
Ideas for Self-Compassion at times of need
Your thoughts on ACT II.13
ACT III Getting Love
Introducing ACT III
Building and maintaining self-compassion
ACT III.14 The ACT of Self-love
Building and maintaining self-compassion (prompt)
The Act of self-love
The gap in us
Journal Reflection Prompts
Responding to emergent distress
Journal Reflection Prompts
Soothing our old friends
Journal Reflection Prompts
Your thoughts on ACT III.14
ACT III.15 The ACT of meeting our needs
Building and maintaining self-compassion (prompt)
Introduction to meeting our needs
Lost needs
Journal Reflection Prompts
The need to heal
Journal Reflection Prompts
Step One
Journal Reflection Prompts
Step Two
Journal Reflection Prompts
Step Three
Journal Reflection Prompts
Step Four
Journal Reflection Prompts
Step Five
Your thoughts on ACT III.15
ACT III.16 The ACT of being a survivor
Building and maintaining self-compassion (prompt)
Post traumatic growth
Triggering growth
When being a victim helps
Journal Reflection Prompts
Avoiding regret and shame
Journal Reflection Prompts
When being a victim doesn't help
Journal Reflection Prompts
Being a survivor
Journal Reflection Prompts
Choosing to grow
Journal Reflection Prompts
Your thoughts on ACT III.16
ACT III.17 The ACT of letting go
Building and maintaining self-compassion (prompt)
The unmet need for closure
Journal Reflection Prompts
Ending the love story
Accepting our feelings
Journal Reflection Prompts
Look for our old friends getting in the way
Journal Reflection Prompts
Letting go and inviting in
Journal Reflection Prompts
Your thoughts on ACT III.17
ACT III.18 The ACT of feeling valuable
Building and maintaining self-compassion (prompt)
Introduction to the ACT of feeling valuable.
Start with being selfish
Journal Reflection Prompts
Integrating the past into our current self
The focal point of the ACTS- self-love
Feeling your own value
Journal Reflection Prompts
Baby steps
Your thoughts on ACT III.18
The FOGS that blind us
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